Litigation costs continue to spiral out of control and are evermore disproportionate to matters in issue and sums involved. Legal representation is increasingly unaffordable and more and more people are forced to represent themselves in courts, often to their manifest disadvantage. So it is that cost-effective Mediation has never been a more important aspect of dispute resolution. Quite simply, most parties cannot afford not to submit their disputes to mediation and proactively seek a negotiated solution to their disputes at the earliest opportunity.
Why is mediation a good thing? Quite apart from being a money saving exercise, litigation fought to the bitter end rarely does much for commercial and personal relationships. This way you have the opportunity to create a solution in a confidential and flexible context, reflecting your input and contribution and leading to a happier outcome.
Mediation is preferable to having a decision imposed on you by a judge where there will be a winner and a loser or, worse still, an outcome that does no one any favours, not to mention the prospect of a heavy costs bill if you lose. Better to mediate than airing your dirty laundry in public or going through the mill of the litigation process which is expensive, intimidating, uncertain of outcome and extremely stressful.